All American Quarter Horse Congress

Just to recap on the American Quarter Horse Congress which is one of the biggest horse breed shows in the world. It happens once a year in Columbus, Ohio and is an event where the American Quarter Horse and all of the breed’s performance activities are highlighted. We wanted to highlight and give big shouts out and Congratulations to all of the Champions and winners of the 2019 Congress. We would like to highlight a few winners which are women in the western industry.

Priscilla Crawley Winner of the 2019 Non Pro Cutting

Shaelyn J. Boutelle All Around 12-14, 2019 Champion Winner

Hillary D Roberts Amateur Western Pleasure Winner

Larken Jones Senior Barrel Racing Winner

Karen M. Johnson Amateur Ranch Riding Winner

Shannon Quinlan NRHA Open Reining


Congratulations to all the winners and participants of the 2019 All American Quarter Horse Congress!!!


By: Amy